News & Publications

GTAP Statement on the Platform for Collaboration on Tax Draft Toolkit on Tax Treaty Negotiation for Developing Countries

European Tax Professionals Call for Better Tax Governance – Joint Statement of CFE Tax Advisers Europe and Accountancy Europe

The “Torino-Busan Declaration”: Identifying Priorities in an International Setting for Tax Professionals and Taxpayers

Opinion Statements FC 4a-4f/2016 on the OECD final Recommendations on BEPS Actions 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 12 and 14 of 5 October 2015

Opinion Statement FC 11/2015 on the revised OECD Discussion Draft on Preventing Tax Treaty Abuse (BEPS Action 6)

Joint Opinion Statement FC 3/2015 on making dispute resolution mechanisms more effective (BEPS Action 14)