About us
CFE Tax Advisers Europe together with the Asia-Oceania Tax Consultants’ Association (“AOTCA”) and the West African Union of Tax Institutes (“WAUTI”), established the Global Tax Advisers Platform (“GTAP”) in 2013.
GTAP is an international platform, representing more than 700,000 tax advisers in Europe, Asia and Africa, that seeks to bring together national and international organizations of tax professionals from all around the world. The principal aim of GTAP is to promote taxpayer and tax advisers’ interests by ensuring the fair and efficient operation of the global tax framework, including recognition of the rights and interests of taxpayers, and the role of tax professionals.

Founding Members

CFE Tax Advisers Europe
CFE Tax Advisers Europe is a Brussels-based association of European tax advisers. Founded in 1959, CFE brings together members from 30 national organisations in 24 European countries, representing more than 200,000 tax advisers. CFE strives to contribute to the co-ordination and development of tax law in Europe by sharing the unique insight of our members with European institutions, and to promote the co-ordination of national laws that govern and safeguard the tax adviser profession.
Role and Mission
- Safeguard the professional interests of tax advisers and assure the quality of tax services provided by tax advisers;
- Exchange information about national tax laws and contribute to the co-ordination and development of tax law in Europe;
- Maintain relations with the authorities at national and international levels, and share with the authorities of the European Union the experience and insight of our member tax advisers from all areas of taxation and professional law;
- Inform the public about the services that tax advisers provide;
- Seek to provide the best possible conditions for tax advisers to carry out their profession; and
- Promote the co-ordination of national laws governing the profession, and achieve the protection of each national tax adviser’s title in Europe.

The Asia-Oceania Tax Consultants’ Association (AOTCA)
AOTCA represents 330,000 tax advisers from 20 professional bodies in 16 countries in the Asian-Pacific region. AOTCA safeguards the professional interest of tax advisers in order to assure the quality of tax services provided to the public. AOTCA promotes the development of the national laws governing the profession, exchanges information about national tax and professional laws and the development of the tax and professional law in Asia and Oceania and maintains relations with the authorities at national and international levels.
Role and Mission
- To promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the organisations;
- To contribute to the expansion of the component members’ businesses related to taxation and its related areas; and
- To promote friendship among the members.

The West African Union of Tax Institutes (WAUTI)
The West African Union of Tax Institutes (WAUTI) has been set up by the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) and the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Ghana (CIaTG) in collaboration with revenue agencies in the West African Region. WAUTI creates a forum for technical and educational development, information sharing and enhancement of Tax Practice and Administration.
Role and Mission
- To develop and enhance Taxation profession in West Africa;
- To promote the development of common technical and educational guidelines, professional ethics and standards in member-bodies;
- To act as a centre for the development and dissemination of information concerning taxation standards and practices in West Africa;
- To provide encouragement for and assistance with the formation and development of national taxation bodies;
- To co-operate with International Tax Directors’ Forum (ITDF), as much as possible, in its programme of activities;
- To collaborate with regional organizations, international bodies and agencies in the development and promotion of the taxation profession within the sub region;
- To provide a forum for the professional development of member-bodies through seminars, symposia, congresses and interchange of ideas and experiences; and
- Generally to do such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Union’s objectives.
Role and Mission
- Safeguard the professional interests of tax advisers and assure the quality of tax services provided by tax advisers;
- Exchange information about national tax laws and contribute to the co-ordination and development of tax law in Europe;
- Maintain relations with the authorities at national and international levels, and share with the authorities of the European Union the experience and insight of our member tax advisers from all areas of taxation and professional law;
- Inform the public about the services that tax advisers provide;
- Seek to provide the best possible conditions for tax advisers to carry out their profession; and
- Promote the co-ordination of national laws governing the profession, and achieve the protection of each national tax adviser’s title in Europe.
Role and Mission
- To promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the organisations;
- To contribute to the expansion of the component members’ businesses related to taxation and its related areas; and
- To promote friendship among the members.
Role and Mission
- To develop and enhance Taxation profession in West Africa;
- To promote the development of common technical and educational guidelines, professional ethics and standards in member-bodies;
- To act as a centre for the development and dissemination of information concerning taxation standards and practices in West Africa;
- To provide encouragement for and assistance with the formation and development of national taxation bodies;
- To co-operate with International Tax Directors’ Forum (ITDF), as much as possible, in its programme of activities;
- To collaborate with regional organizations, international bodies and agencies in the development and promotion of the taxation profession within the sub region;
- To provide a forum for the professional development of member-bodies through seminars, symposia, congresses and interchange of ideas and experiences; and
- Generally to do such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Union’s objectives.

International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI)
IAFEI is a worldwide professional association of national financial executives institutes established in 1969. Its founding members include financial executives institutes of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Spain, United Kingdom and the combined Institutes of USA and Canada. Collectively, the institutional members of IAFEI represent more than 20,000 finance executives thus making it the global premier society
of finance executives.

Arc Méditerranéen des Auditeurs (AMA)
The Arc Méditerranéen des Auditeurs (AMA) is a European cross-border professional organization which brings together regional institutions representing auditors as well as other accounting professionals. AMA was founded in 1992 with the aim of institutionalizing the relationships which had been informally established between some of its current members. Today, AMA has 25 members, namely professional institutions.

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) is a global professional body, comprising lawyers, accountants, financial advisors and more, From drafting a will to advising on issues concerning international families, protection of the vulnerable, family businesses and philanthropic giving. STEP’s
primary purpose is to provide confidence to families by setting standards, training and educating its members, and upholding those standards.

Centro di Diritto Penale Tributario (CDPT)
The Center for Criminal Tax Law is an Italian association aiming to broaden the understanding of issues of criminal tax, EU tax law and other related matters in the countries of the European Union. The aims of the organisation include evaluating the relevant laws of the European countries, aiming at their harmonisation.
Role and Mission

Strong cooperation among Tax Professionals

Impact on the Renovation of the International Tax Scenario

Inclusiveness, Openness, Global reach

Proposal of a New Tax System

Position of Tax Professionals in the Tax Scenario