CFE, ECG and EGIAN send letter to the Council and EC regarding DAC6

CFE, ECG and EGIAN send letter to the Council and EC regarding DAC6

Wim Gohres, Chair of the CFE Professional Affairs Committee, on behalf of CFE Tax Advisers Europe, recently co-signed a letter with the European Contact Group (ECG) and the European Group of International Accounting Networks and Associations (EGIAN) sent to the...
CFE, ECG and EGIAN send letter to the Council and EC regarding DAC6

Article from CFE President published on Kluwer International Tax Blog

CFE President Piergiorgio Valente has had an article published on Kluwer International Tax Blog, a publication of Kluwer Law International which provides analysis on international tax law. In the article entitled “McDonald’s Fiscal State Aid Clearance: Questions Still...
CFE, ECG and EGIAN send letter to the Council and EC regarding DAC6

Interview of CFE President Piergiorgio Valente for Milano Finanza

CFE President Piergiorgio Valente gave an interview on 26 November 2018 to the Italian journal “Milano Finanza” on Blockchain and cryptocurrency, finance, and how digital is changing businesses industries worldwide. To that end, in 2018 CFE...
CFE, ECG and EGIAN send letter to the Council and EC regarding DAC6

Article from CFE President published in Finance & Gestion Magazine

CFE President, Piergiorgio Valente, has had an article published in the October edition of the French periodical Finance & Gestion. In the article entitled “Digitalization: Making the Best out of International Taxation’s Disrupters”, the CFE President spoke about...