CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2024

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2024

BRUSSELS | 22 JULY 2024   ECOFIN: Council Approves Position of the EU on UN Framework Convention on Tax Cooperation Economic and Finance Ministers met on 16 July 2024 in their ECOFIN configuration, the first under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the...
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2024

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 8 July 2024

BRUSSELS | 8 JULY 2024 Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU: Taxation Priorities Belgium handed over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union to Hungary on 1 July 2024. In relation to taxation, Hungary set out in its Presidency Programme that its...
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2024

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 24 June 2024

BRUSSELS | 24 JUNE 2024   ECOFIN: No Agreement on ViDA at Final Belgian Presidency Meeting Economic and Finance Ministers met on 21 June 2024 for the final meeting in their ECOFIN configuration under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Belgium hands...
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2024

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 19 June 2024

BRUSSELS | 19 JUNE 2024   European Elections: Ongoing Negotiations on New EU Leadership Following successful completion of the European Elections and election of new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), political leaders of EU Member states are now...
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 22 July 2024

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 3 June 2024

BRUSSELS | 3 JUNE 2024 European Elections: #UseYourVote This Week From 6 – 9 June 2024 This week, the European Union will witness the world’s second-largest democratic exercise as citizens cast their votes in the 2024 European Elections. This moment is an...