by brodiemcintosh | Feb 25, 2025
The CFE has issued an Opinion Statement prepared by the CFE ECJ Task Force on the decisions of the CJEU in C-694/20 and Case C-623/22 on the validity of certain aspects of DAC6 as regards the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the “DAC6 cases”). The...
by brodiemcintosh | Jul 14, 2023
The CFE ECJ Task Force has issued an Opinion Statement on the ECJ decision of 22 December 2022 in case C-83/21, Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK decided following the Opinion of AG Szpunar delivered on 7 July 2022. Inter alia, at issue was the compatibility with...
by brodiemcintosh | Jul 10, 2023
The CFE ECJ Task Force has issued an Opinion Statement on the ECJ decision of 16 February 2023 in Case C-707/20, Gallaher Limited, the last UK direct tax case before the CJEU. Gallaher concerns the compatibility of the United Kingdom’s group transfer rules with EU...