CFE’s Global Tax Top 10 – April 2023

CFE’s Global Tax Top 10 – April 2023

  BRUSSELS | APRIL 2023 EU Commission Adopts Regulation on Tax Transparency  The European Commission has adopted an Implementing Regulation concerning tax transparency and the criteria for information reported by platforms to non-EU countries and exchanged with...
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 24 April 2023

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 24 April 2023

CFE Annual Forum & General Assembly Held in Brussels CFE Tax Advisers Europe, the leading European association of tax institutes and associations of tax advisers, held its annual Forum and General Assembly last week in Brussels. Two panels of participants at this...
CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 24 April 2023

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 17 April 2023

EU Commission Adopts Regulation on Tax Transparency  The European Union has adopted an Implementing Regulation concerning tax transparency and the criteria for information reported by platforms to non-EU countries and exchanged with Member States. This Regulation...
CFE Tax Advisers Europe Annual Report 2022

CFE Tax Advisers Europe Annual Report 2022

We are very pleased to inform you that CFE Tax Advisers Europe, in cooperation with IBFD, has published its Annual Report for 2022. We invite you to read the publication and remain available for any questions or comments you may have. Wishing you a very joyful holiday...