
Our Members are represented by the following bodies:

General Assembly


The General Assembly is the governing body of CFE Tax Advisers Europe, in which each member state is able to be represented by up to six delegates, and observers countries by up to two delegates. The primary responsibilities of the General Assembly are to decide on the acceptance of members and observers, to approve amendments to the governing statutes, to adopt the business report of the Executive Board and to approve the accounts and budget for the CFE.

Meet our Board Members

Piergiorgio Valente

Piergiorgio Valente


Petra Pospíšilová

Petra Pospíšilová


Bruno Gouthière

Bruno Gouthière


Ivan Simič

Ivan Simič


Martin Phelan

Martin Phelan

Secretary General

Branislav Kováč

Branislav Kováč


Jeremy Woolf

Jeremy Woolf

Chair of the Fiscal Committee

Eduardo Gracia Espinar

Eduardo Gracia Espinar

Chair of the Professional Affairs Committee

Markus Ehgartner

Markus Ehgartner

Chair of the Tax Technology Committee

Anna Misiak

Anna Misiak

Executive Board Member & Chair of the New Tax Professionals Ad Hoc Committee

Trudy Perié

Trudy Perié

Executive Board Member

Executive Board

The Executive Board is in charge of the day to day work of CFE Tax Advisers Europe and reports to the General Assembly. The Board monitors developments in taxation law and the profession within Europe, and devises and manages CFE’s work streams arising from these issues. Work is managed through four committees: the Fiscal Committee, the Professional Affairs Committee, the Tax Technology Committee and the New Tax Professionals Ad Hoc Committee. Each committee is chaired by a member of the Board. Delegates from each committee also form various working groups and subcommittees focussed on specific or time-sensitive issues that necessitate specialist input.

Advisers to the Executive Board

Stella Raventós-Calvo

Stella Raventós-Calvo

Adviser to the Executive Board

Friedrich Roedler

Friedrich Roedler

Adviser to the Executive Board

Jiří Nekovář

Jiří Nekovář

Adviser to the Executive Board

Dan Manolescu

Dan Manolescu

Adviser to the Executive Board

Timo Matikkala

Timo Matikkala

Adviser to the Executive Board