Thanks to the CFE Tax Advisers Europe’s Italian members, we are proud to present you the Italian version of our Press Release on the Signature of the Torino-Busan declaration, which took place in Torino on 03 October 2019 in the context of the CFE 60th Anniversary celebrations.
The press release, titled “Verso un sistema fiscale più giusto ed efficiente: i fondatori della GTAP firmano la Torino-Busan Declaration”, is available for download at the link below.
A second Italian press release, which provides a summary of the celebration of the CFE 60th Anniversary, is also available below. CFE Tax Advisers Europe is thankful to its Italian members, the Associazione Nazionale Tributaristi Italiani (ANTI) and the Consiglio Nazionale dei Commercialisti e Degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC), for their commitment and dedication to make the CFE 60th Anniversary celebrations an unforgettable memory.