The “Torino-Busan Declaration”: Identifying Priorities in an International Setting for Tax Professionals and Taxpayers

CFE Tax Advisers Europe is delighted that IBFD’s leading tax journal, European Taxation, has published an article on the most recent work of GTAP and its objectives, written by Aleksandar Ivanovski, Tax Policy Manager at CFE Tax Advisers Europe, and Alessandro Valente, tax adviser and Representative to the CFE Tax Technology Committee.

This article, entitled “The Torino-Busan Declaration: Identifying Priorities in an International Setting for Tax Professionals and Taxpayers”, offers a thorough review of the Torino-Busan Declaration, signed on 3 October 2019 in Torino.

By way of background, the declaration seeks to bring attention of policy makers to the importance of international cooperation among tax professionals in addressing topical issues such as tax and climate change and tax policy as tool for economic and social growth. Equally, the article brings attention to the importance of taxpayers’ rights and charters in an ever-shifting regulatory and professional landscape.

The article has been published in European Taxation Volume 60, 2020, No. 2/3, and it is available at the link below.

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