CFE Academy: CFE – CNDCEC E-Learning Courses & European Register of Tax Advisers

A Memorandum of Understanding between CFE Tax Advisers Europe and the Consiglio Nazioanle dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC) was signed last week, under which Italian accountants and tax advisers can enrol in the European Register of Tax Advisers and can attend online courses on relevant topics of European and international tax. The Agreement was signed by Massimo Miani, President of CNDCEC and Ian Hayes, CFE Tax Advisers Europe Executive Board Member, in the presence of Piergiorgio Valente, President of CFE Tax Advisers Europe and Alessandro Solidoro, Member of the CNDCEC Board responsible for international matters.

European Register of Tax Advisers

According to the agreement, for the CNDCEC members, enrolled in the Italian accountants register with specific competences and expertise in international taxation, there is the opportunity to enrol in the European Register of Tax Advisers. The European Register is established and operated by CFE Tax Advisers Europe, and includes tax professionals from many european countries. For the tax professionals interested in joining the network, the agreement provides the support from CNDCEC for the first three years of enrolment. Those who join the network have the opportunity to access a package of documents and training materials.

E-Learning Online Courses

The agreement also provides for four interactive online training modules of 15 hours each to be included in the CNDCEC platform “Concerto”, for the benefit of the membership of CFE and CNDCEC. Initially, introductory courses will be included covering key issues in European and international taxation. In the subsequent courses, a more in-depth analysis of the most relevant and current topics will follow. The E-Learning Courses will focus on EU and international tax and tax policy, transfer pricing, taxation of digital economy, tax avoidance and tax evasion, tax dispute resolution, taxpayers’ rights and tax certainty. The E Learning platform will consist of content provided by academic speakers and practitioners associated with CFE and will be available in Italy to CNDCEC members, and abroad via CFE Tax Advisers Europe. The initial project will be carried out in the course of 2019.